Federal Task Force (FTF) on Population

In pursuance of the CCI Recommendations, a Federal Task Force under the chair of the President of Pakistan has been constituted. Its members include Provincial Chief Ministers, Chief Minister of GB & Prime Minister of AJ&K, Provincial Chief Secretaries and key Federal Ministers, among others. The TORs of the FTF on Population are:

1: Approve an Action Plan along with financing modalities for the implementation of the recommendations approved, in principle, by CCI;
2: Oversee and monitor performance of the action plan through pre-set performance indicators and its regular updation;
3: Ensure funding by the Federal & Provincial Governments for the implementation of the activities of the Action Plan;
4: Steer the process of legislation/ approval of Bills by the Parliament I Provincial Assemblies;
5: Appraise the efforts and support provided by the relevant Federal Ministries, especially Finance, Information, Education, Planning and Development, Religious Affairs and NHSR&C and International Partners (IPs) in the implementation of the Action Plan;
6: Promote public private partnerships among all stakeholders in population related activities and also encourage CSR projects by the Corporate Sector;

Build national consensus on policy directions for Population for all stakeholders in Pakistan