Pakistan Population Fund
Expenditure on Family Planning in Pakistan is around 1$ per capita as against our commitment of 2.5$ per capita made at FP2020, London Summit-2012. The CCI, while keeping in view accelerated efforts required for the implementation of CCI Recommendation and Action Plan, as well as keeping in view low per capita expenditure of FP/RH in Pakistan, decided to set up a Pakistan Population Fund worth Rs. 10 billion per annum (non-lapsable). This fund shall be administered by a body to be decided by the Federal Task Force. The fund shall be utilized for the following purpose:
i. Meet, for 5 years, 50% amount of additional allocations made by the provinces for procurement of contraceptive commodities over and above the budget provision of F.Y 2018-19 in the respective head;
ii. Meet, for 5 years, 50% cost of increase in LHWs for 100% coverage for doorstep services in rural and peri-urban areas;
iii. Support innovative approaches of Federal & Provincial Governments for reaching poor and marginalized population to reduce population growth and increase contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR). In the 4th FTF meeting, it was decided to drop the purpose ii and divert this amount for the pool procurement of contraceptives.